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+49 (0) 6196 97276 19
When renovating a bathroom, regardless of its size, the same dilemma always appears: bathtub or shower? However, also here comes next question: if you choose option ‘shower’, will it be with or without a shower tray? And at this point, you should read further, why a barrier-free shower tray is better than the classic one.
A barrier-free shower tray (other names are: floor shower tray, shower panel, under tile board) is made of a durable EPS board covered with sealing and reinforcing layers, which is meant to be installed into the floor of a bathroom. Each shower tray already has a place for a drain (linear, spot or wall outflow) and a correspondingly profiled surface with a 2.5% drop. Installation of the shower panel is much easier than pouring and shaping the floor. If the surface of the shower is not shaped correctly, then the water will not flow towards the drain, subsequently flooding the bathroom. Therefore, a barrier-free shower tray will always be a better option than trying to contour the floor yourself.
Barrier-free shower tray is also more comfortable than a classic one. First of all, due to its location being in the floor, it doesn’t have any architectural barriers that can be difficult for people with mobility problems to access. The strongest models of Steigner’s barrier-free shower trays can even withstand a wheelchair.
In our extensive offer you can find several dozen models of Steigner barrier-free shower trays in over 20 sizes.
Supporters of a classic shower tray can claim that it reduces the risk of flooding. However, contrary to appearances, abandoning the traditional shower tray for a barrier-free one doesn’t mean you will flood your neighbours. Each area exposed to water or moisture of any kind, should be protected with a hydro-isolation layer. Waterproofing is one of the most important stages of bathroom renovation or construction. Floor and walls covered with a waterproofing layer are protected from moisture as well as fungal growth.
Waterproof sealing membrane and liquid rubber are materials designed for hydro-isolation of a bathroom that exhibit watertight and waterproof properties. Sealing mat (out of which are made tapes, corners and sealing pipe collars) is made of water and tear resistant polyethylene fibers. Together with liquid rubber they form an impenetrable coating that does not lose its qualities despite passage of time. Prepared surface can easily be covered with tiles or mosaics.
Barrier-free shower tray is simpler to maintain clean and it visually enlarges the room. If you decide to install foldable walls, they will allow for additional space, which is always useful in a small bathroom. A floor covered with identical tiles also looks better than with a shower tray hindering that look. Have we already convinced you that Steigner shower tray is the best choice? If not, or if you have any questions about our trays, you can always call us or write to us.